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Firefly soft green oil painted landscape of hills and trees in the background and a park w

Every January, in conjunction with Sanctity of Human Life observances, KYCC Radio hosts a Baby Shower and Diaper Dash in support of local Pregnancy Help Centers.

This year, the 22nd Annual Baby Shower and Diaper Dash will happen on Friday, January 19 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. We will broadcast from cities across our listening areas helping to collect diapers, baby clothing and accessories as well as maternity clothing for women.

Monetary donations are welcome! $1 equals 4 Diapers.

Pregnancy Help Centers are non-profit organizations offering a wide variety of free, caring and confidential services to girls, women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. They help women work past the immediate emotions of an unplanned pregnancy so that they can make an informed decision, a decision that hopefully will lead to life for their baby.

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